Designing Modules

How LfN modules have been developed

LfN learning experiences (activities, lessons and modules) are designed with insights from nature in mind. Things in nature are built from common components that can fit together in different combinations and work at different levels and scales (think ecosystems, species, carbon compounds and DNA and the like).

The design of the learning activities;

The learning activities/lessons/modules are structured to fit the Learning Framework by using the common LfN design principles and the formats used in the introductory and core modules and/or the alternative lessons that break the module to fit school periods and timetables. The activities should enable learners to discover insights, further their understanding, then apply their knowledge and ultimately be able to share it with others.

• Learning units (lessons and modules) are interconnected (like ecosystems).
• Learning grows organically
• There is adaption to change
• There are variations in different locations/conditions
• There are large/small, simple/complex units
• There are multiple learning benefits (lessons for life and for sustainability but also other valuable knowledge, skills and understanding)

How to design your own modules

It is hoped that many teachers/facilitators and learners will be inspired by LfN and develop their own learning activities and share these by getting these added to them to the LfN website.

The following guidance notes aim help teachers and facilitators to understand how they can support learning and develop new learning activities to fit within the LfN structure.

Ideally the LfN learning activities should also fit all or most of the following criteria:
• Enquiry based
• Activity based
• Fun and inspiring
• Focussed on inspirations from nature
• Contain real world learning
• Lead to real world applications
• Have multiple outcomes/benefits
• Develop key competencies
• LfN is loopy and learning is looped around in learning cycles linked to th e framework
• Diversity - different learner can start in different places – follow an enquiry process and use resultant understanding to generate a basis for future enquiries of their own.

Extension activities are included to provide breadth and depth.

Alternative activities offer learners different choices for an activity (e.g. indoor and outdoor).


Please send us your modules via This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Show as far as possible not only the learning objectives that are met but also the competencies that the learning develops.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Lessons From Nature (LFN) ©2012